Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated India’s 7,500th Janushadhi Center on Sunday. It is inaugurated at the end of the seven-day Janaushadhi Day 2021 festival. The center is located at North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) in Sikkam and was inaugurated through video conferencing. During the inauguration, the Prime Minister said that the PM Bharatiya Janaushadhi Project (PM-BJP) has been helpful to people with limited resources, otherwise, medicines are expensive for these people.
Appealed to people to buy medicines from centers
PM Modi further appealed people to buy medicines from these centers, which people often call Modi’s shop, because they are more economical.
During the video conference, the Prime Minister said that the scheme also provides employment to the people. He also informed that under the scheme, sanitary pads for women and girls are available for a price of Rs 2.5. He also announced that it was decided that these centers will also provide 75 AYUSH medicines across the country.
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Medicines 50 to 90 percent cheaper than market price
Let us know that the objective of the Prime Minister’s Bharatiya Jan Aushadhi Project is to provide good medicines at cheap prices. The number of these centers was 86 in the year 2014. Today the number of these stores has reached 7,500 under this scheme. There are such stores in all the districts of the country. In the financial year 2020-21 till March 4, the sale of medicines by these centers has saved the citizens about Rs. 3,600 crore. Medicines at these centers are 50 to 90 percent cheaper than the market price.
To spread awareness about ‘Jan Aushadhi’, ‘Jan Aushadhi’ week is being celebrated across the country from March 1 to 7. Its subject has been kept as ‘Jan Aushadhi-Sewa Bhi, Rozgar Bhi’.