Washington: Children under the age of five infected with the Omicron variant of the coronavirus have a lower risk of becoming seriously ill than children infected with the delta variant form. This information has been obtained from a study.
The study, published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, is the first large-scale study to compare the symptoms of patients infected with Omicron and Delta in an age group who have not yet been vaccinated. The study, led by researchers from Case Western Reserve University in the US, suggests that the oomicron form of COVID-19 is six to eight times more contagious than the delta form.
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He said that about 1.8 percent of children infected with Omicron were hospitalized, while in the case of Delta infection, the number was 3.3 percent. Pamela Davis, professor of research at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, said: “The key finding of our research was that more children were infected with Omicron than Delta, but that these infected children became less seriously ill than children who were infected with Delta.” Swaroop was found infected.
“However, with many more children getting infected, a higher number of young children were admitted to our hospitals in the winter months,” he said. The researchers analyzed the electronic health records of more than 6,51,640 children in the US, of whom more than 22,772 were found to be Omicron and more than 66,000 were found to be infected with Delta. (agency)