Salt is a necessity of life. Salt is not only important in terms of taste but also in terms of health. Iodized salt is mainly table salt, which is rich in iodine. According to health, iodized salt fulfils the iodine deficiency in the body, which results in relieving thyroid glands such as the spleen. Iodine also provides a micronutrition and mineral found in food.
Things To Keep in Mind Before Starting Salt business
Keeping all these things in mind, if you are thinking of trading iodine salt, then keep in mind a few things In this way move forward to start iodine salt business
Survey the market
Iodine salt comes in the FMCG segment, which means daily-use goods whose demand remains in the market. The good thing is that in the production of iodine salt, India comes third after China and America. This is like a blessing. A lot of traders are already engaged in this segment of the market, due to which it can be surveyed thoroughly related to the maximum retail price, packaging and exports.
Create a project report
Before starting any type of business, it is important to carefully examine every aspect of it. The project reports help in this work. The project report is designed to understand business-related things. In this, technical and economic matters are shown in detail so that every issue can be understood and considered.
It is important to include your company name and other information such as mission, vision objective in the project report. In technical matters, you have to give information about the state of the market and how many opportunities are available to the new trader. Apart from this, it is also necessary to tell about the manufacturing process, availability of raw materials and quality control in the project report.
Meet financial need
According to your project report, arranging as much money as is required is an important step, as finance-related problems can attract future losses for any business. Keeping in mind the financial need, it is very important to take into consideration the cost of raw materials, the cost of goods movement and other retail expenses along with the working capital. In any case, the facility of bank overdraft can also help you.
Company registration
Before starting any business, the business must be registered or registered. There are also many benefits to registration. A lot of schemes have been made by the government, which is very important to get the company registered to take advantage of it. Along with this, it is important to get a trade license from your nearest municipality, it is also important to get FSSAI license and BIS registration so that the mark of ISI can be used on the packet.
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To install a manufacturing unit for making iodine salt
It is very important to find a place for manufacturing unit, where all types of machines required for manufacturing can come. As with the process in any manufacturing unit, the waste discharged after the process must also be properly observed. If you want to start a small scale salt business, then your bar needs at least 1000 square meters of space.
Apart from this, also make sure that the power and water used in the unit are supplied smoothly.
Machine install
The machine used in the production of iodine salt is as follows
1) Silos: Silos made of stainless steel are available for a price of 1 lakh and above. It is used for storing food grains.
2) Crushers: It is used in grinding raw materials. The salt crusher can be purchased for 1 lakh.
3) belt conveyor: Its value depends on its size. Starting at 200 / m, it can be priced up to 60000 / m
4) Spray chamber for potassium iodate solution: The starting price of the spray chamber can be 1.50 to 2 lakhs.
5) Salt Mixer: The price of this machine used in salt mixing can start from 2 lakhs.
6) Packaging Machine: Salt packaging machine can be purchased at a minimum price of 1.50 lakhs
Buying raw materials
According to 1987 BIS standards, it is necessary to use 50PPM potassium iodate to obtain 30PPM iodine. Therefore, one should purchase raw materials accordingly. Apart from this, the polythene bags or cardboard cartons required for packaging should also be arranged as raw materials.
Choosing the right people for work
To do any work properly, you must hire the right people, who have experience and skills for this type. You may need new people every day, but there are some posts on which you have to pay more attention.
Production head
Machine operator
Factory assistant
Marketing manager
Sales executive
Retail distribution
Before making a retail distribution plan, it is very important to make the right additions and strategies. You can sell your product at supermarkets, shopping malls. Apart from this, products are also sold and sold on online apps nowadays. So by thinking properly you can decide.