The Sensex has gained 231 points and closed at 57,593.49. Whereas Nifty has closed at the level of 17222 with an increase of 69 points.
Stock Market Update Today: The domestic stock market has seen volatility amid mixed global cues. The markets opened in the green, but immediately they declined. Later on again good recovery was seen in it. Both Sensex and Nifty closed strong. Nifty has closed above 17200. On the other hand, the Sensex closed with a strength of 250 points. Bank and financial stocks have seen decent gains. Both the indices have closed in green on Nifty. The auto index is up more than half a percent. IT and Pharma indices closed in the red mark. FMCG, realty, and metal indices also closed in the green. At present, the Sensex has gained 231 points and has closed at the level of 57,593.49. Whereas Nifty has closed at the level of 17222 with an increase of 69 points. 18 shares of Sensex 30 have closed in the green. Today’s top gainers include BHARTIARTL, AXISBANK, ICICIBANK, SBIN, INDUSINDBK and HINDUNILVR.
In today’s business, a mixed trend has been seen in the major Asian markets. Earlier on Friday, there was a mixed trend in the US markets as well. Economic data is about to come in the US, before which investors are cautious. Investors are also eyeing inflation and the Russia and Ukraine crisis. Crude is above $ 117 per barrel.
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