The Haryana Meri Kisan Mera Detailing Scheme has been launched by the Chief Minister of the state, Manohar Lal Khattar, to benefit the farmers. Under this scheme, farmers can file full details of their crops online. This portal has been launched by the state government to report the details of their land and crop to the farmers (Launch this portal for farmers to report their land and crop details). On this Meri Fasal Mera Byora Online Portal, farmers can directly avail benefits of various government schemes by uploading their crop details.
Meri Fasal Mera Byora Portal
Scheme: Meri Fasal Mera Byora Portal India is moving rapidly towards complete digitization. In the same sequence, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has started the exercise to record the details of crops online in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. For this, a portal named Meri Fasal Mera Byora has also been started. With the help of this portal, the farmer brothers of Haryana will be able to get their land and crop details report. All those farmers who will enter their crop related details on this portal will be directly benefited by various government schemes. This portal is being seen as a unique effort for farmers to have availability of all government facilities at one place and to troubleshoot.
My Crop Mine Details Portal Registration for Wheat and Mustard Purchase
This year, Haryana Government is starting procurement of mustard from 15 April 2020 and wheat procurement from 20 April 2020. Haryana Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala informed through a press conference that extensive arrangements have been made by the state government for procurement in mandis. 140 mandis (for purchasing mustard) and 2000 mandis have been designated by the government for procurement of wheat and mustard.
Documents required for registration of my crop, mine details portal
- Aadhar Card
- residence certificate
- identity card
- mobile number
- Ground papers
- Passport size photo
Apply online for my crop my details Haryana as follows: –
- First of all you will get theMy crop my detailsThe portal will go to the official website. After this, the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the registration that is being highlighted.
- Now some steps will be given in front of you, in the first step you will have to enter your mobile number.
- Now an OTP will come on your mobile which you will have to enter in the specified location.
- You will be registered on the official website, you will be given a permanent registration number. Now click on the “Continue” button.
- After this, in the last step, the farmer has to provide all his inquiries and details related to the crop and click on submit.
- In this way, the registration process will be completed on the Meri Fasal Mera Byora portal in your online mode.
The purpose of the Haryana Meri Fasal Mera Byora Portal
The Haryana Government has launched the My Crop Mera Detailing Portal for crop registration of farmers. With this, the Agriculture Department will get information about the crops sown by the farmers. And food, seeds, loans and agricultural implements will be made available to all farmers on subsidy. The Haryana government will ensure that all the farmers’ crops are purchased at a predetermined support price, and the registered farmers will be provided with the necessary support at the time of natural disaster. Under this scheme, farmers will be provided information about the exact time of sowing and harvesting of crops.
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