Benefits of walking: Walking is the basic activity of the body. It has many benefits in terms of health. Walking a few steps every day helps in weight control and improves mood. Apart from this, walking also controls diabetes, heart problems, BP problem, as well as makes muscles and bones strong. Although everyone has their own way of walking, but it is important to know some rules for healthy walking or else there can be many problems. Know the correct way of walking.
1. It is important to take special care of the body’s posture while walking. In such a situation, the body should be kept in a very straight but comfortable position. Shoulders should not be bowed.
2. Your feet are the base of your body, so while walking, keep in mind that when looking from the side, your ankles should be in the direction of your ankles and your knees in line with your knees. The neck should be straight and in a normal position. The shoulders should be backwards but in a comfortable position.
3. All the muscles of the feet are used during healthy walking. In such a situation, whenever you step in, keep the heel of the front foot first and keep the whole foot on the ground.
4. While walking, keep your elbows close to your body and swing your hands. This will stretch your shoulder and back muscles and make them stronger.
5. Always keep your head and chin slightly elevated while walking and walk while looking in front. It keeps your body balanced while walking.
6. In the beginning, for warm-up, walk at normal speed and breathe normally. After 10 to 15 minutes of warm-up, increase your walking speed and maintain high-intensity speed for some time.
7. Avoid taking too long steps during high speed. Practice daily and try to maintain a high speed for 30 minutes. However, there is no need to hurry for this. By increasing some time every day, you will slowly start to maintain speed easily. After this, come to the speed of normal warm-up.
8. Let the speed of the warm-up go for about 10 to 15 minutes. After this, if you want to continue the walk, repeat the same sequence. If not, then sit in someplace and rest for some time.
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