Mumbai: The BSE Sensex lost over 430 points on Tuesday as investors booked profits in bank and financial stocks. Investors reaped profits after a rally in the previous trading session. According to traders, investors’ attention has again turned to the Russo-Ukraine war and the rise in oil prices. The 30-share BSE Sensex closed at 60,176.50, down 435.24 points, or 0.72 per cent. Similarly, the Nifty of the National Stock Exchange lost 96 points or 0.53 percent to close at 17,957.40.
HDFC Bank was the biggest loser among the Sensex stocks. Bajaj Finserv, HDFC, Kotak Bank, IndusInd Bank, Bajaj Finance and Reliance Industries also declined. On the other hand, gainers include NTPC, PowerGrid, ITC, Titan, TCS and Nestle India. Of these, there was an increase of up to 3.40 percent. Of the 30 Sensex stocks, 17 were in losses. Bank and financial indices were the biggest losers up to 1.33 per cent. On the other hand, there was a rise of 3.38 percent in the power segment.
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In other Asian markets, China’s Shanghai Composite, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng, Japan’s Nikkei and South Korea’s Cospi were among the gainers. In the afternoon trade, the major markets of Europe were in a downtrend. Meanwhile, international oil benchmark Brent crude rose 1.59 per cent to $109.24 a barrel. Investors are watching activities related to Ukraine. There is speculation that Russia may face tough economic sanctions. Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) netted over Rs 1,150 crore in the market on Monday, according to stock market data. (agency)