new Delhi: The prices of petrol and diesel were increased once again by 40 paise per liter on Monday. A total of Rs 8.40 per liter has been increased in less than two weeks. Although the price of crude oil in the international market has reached close to $ 100 per barrel, but the price of petrol and diesel in the Indian market is not taking its name. The process of increasing the price of petrol and diesel in the country started from 22 March. Then the price of petrol and diesel has increased every day except March 24 and April 01.
According to the price notification issued by the public sector petroleum marketing companies, the price of petrol in the national capital Delhi has now increased from Rs 103.41 per liter to Rs 103.81 per liter and diesel from Rs 94.67 per liter to Rs 95.07 per liter. Is. On 04 April 2022, the price of petrol has reached Rs 118.83 per liter in the country’s financial capital Mumbai. While the price of diesel has gone up to Rs 103.07 per liter.
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Price of petrol & diesel in Delhi at Rs 103.81 per liter & Rs 95.07 per liter respectively today (increased by 40 paise)
In Mumbai, the petrol & diesel prices per liter at Rs 118.83 (increased by 84 paise) & Rs 103.07 (increased by 43 paise).
— ANI (@ANI) April 4, 2022
Petrol and diesel prices have been increased across the country, but their prices vary from state to state depending on local taxes. Petrol and diesel prices were raised on March 22 after remaining stable for nearly four and a half months. This is the ninth time the prices have been increased since then. So far, the price of petrol and diesel has been increased by a total of Rs 8.40 per liter.