Veteran industrialist Anand Mahindra often explains management tricks by posting videos from his Twitter handle. His recently tweeted video is being widely shared on social media. In this video, a duck is seen dodging the attacking tiger. Mahindra has given some business tips through this video and explained how they work.
This explains—better than any management lecture—the advantages in business of being small, nimble and quick-witted. That’s why large companies need to carve out startup teams & startup cultures within themselves in order to pursue new opportunities.
– anand mahindra June 30, 2021
People’s comments on Twitter, great business lesson
Sharing this video, Anand Mahindra has written – It is more effective than any management lecture. This is the great quality of a small, agile and quick action business. Therefore, there is a need for large companies to build start-up teams and promote start-up culture so that they can take advantage of new opportunities. In this 34-second video shared by Anand Mahindra, a tiger is shown trying to catch a duck swimming in a pond. As soon as the tiger tries to pounce on it, it plunges into the water. So far this clip has got 40 lakh views. Many users commented on this. One user has written – Tremendous. Another user said that great inspiration to start the day. Great lesson to manage and survive in tough times. Great message for looking for opportunities.
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Anand Mahindra has been sharing the best videos before
This is not the first time Mahindra has shared a video. He is very active on social media and often keeps posting such videos. With his videos, texts or photos, he teaches business lessons and brings to the fore many aspects of life. His post gets millions of views. Many times he has announced the help of people through his videos. Or have been seen appealing for the help of a budding entrepreneur.
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