Author: Business Khabar

We aim to constantly bring to you all the latest and most updated industry news across all major categories. With a wide variety of topics and categories under our umbrella, we bring to you the latest news and activities in the top sought areas of public interest.

Nowadays blogging seems like a very familiar or much-heard word, but very few people know its real meaning. When you write on a subject, it is called blogging, during this time you share your existing knowledge on a subject with other people. Have you ever noticed that when you put any of your questions or problems on Google, how does Google respond to you, does Google know everything ?? Actually, through these various blogs and websites, Google gives you a solution to your problem. Even now you have any questions about this business like how to start it, how much…

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Today, there is hardly anyone who uses computers and mobile phones who would not know Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Company. The smartphones from the iPhone and iPad series he created have revolutionized mobile technology. Dedicating himself to principles such as simplicity and ease of use in technology, he brought complex technologies like computers and mobiles to the reach of common people. Thinking out of the box and defining technology as new were the hallmarks of his strong personality. But his life has never been easier for Steve Jobs Biography in Hindi. His early life was full of confusion…

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