Clean Science and Technology IPO Share Allotment: Clean Science and Technology’s IPO of Rs 1546.62 crore was subscribed 93.41 times. Those who had subscribed it, their wait is over and today on July 14, its allotment can be announced. Trading of its shares can start next week on Monday, July 19. Those who will not be allotted its shares, the process of refunding their money or unblocking ASBA accounts will start tomorrow, July 15. To whom shares will be allotted, the shares will be credited in their depository accounts on July 16. The Clean Science and Technology IPO opened for subscription on July 7-9 in the price band of Rs 880-900 per equity share. The face value per share is Rs.
On Wednesday, July 14, the shares of Clean Science and Technology are trading at a premium of Rs 530 i.e. Rs 1430 against the issue price in the gray market. It is at a premium of 60 per cent over the IPO price. Once the allotment is announced, investors can check the status by visiting the link intime and BSE website whether the shares have been allotted to them or not. The link for this issue is Intime India Registrar.
GR Infraprojects IPO Share Allotment: This is how you can check allotment status, shares will be listed on July 19
How to check allotment status through Link Intime India
- Investors can check the IPO status section of the Link Intime India website after the allotment is finalised.
- After reaching this page, select the IPO whose allotment status is to be checked.
- After this, application number or DP ID / Client ID or PAN, one of these three options has to be selected, through whose details the allotment is to be checked.
- If Application Number is selected, then select Application Type and enter Application Number. If DP ID / Client ID is selected then select Depository and enter DPIP, Client ID. If PAN is selected then fill the PAN.
- Fill the captcha and submit.
- The information about the number of shares applied for and the number of shares allotted will be displayed on the screen.
Check allotment like this on BSE website
- Investors can check the allotment status on the Stock Exchange BSE website
- Select Equity and select the issue name Clean Science & Technology Limited from the drop down menu.
- Enter Application Number and PAN.
- Click on ‘I am not a Robot’.
- By clicking on the search tab, you can see the status details whether the share has been allotted to you or not.
(Article: Surbhi Jain)
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