New Delhi. On Saturday night, Prime Minister Narendra Modi (PM Narendra Modi) addressed the country on December 25, 2021 on the new variant of Corona, Omicron. During this, in his address, PM Modi announced a vaccine drive for children from 15 to 18 years. Along with this, he said that healthcare and frontline workers will also be given pre-coction doses of the vaccine. PM Modi also said that the cases of Omicron are increasing rapidly, in such a situation we need to be more alert and careful.
In fact, on the special occasion of Christmas, PM Modi said that all the adolescent children between the age of 15 to 18 years, now vaccination will start for them in the country. At the same time, it will be started from 3 January 2022. After getting the vaccine, all the students going to schools and colleges will get the necessary protection against corona. Due to which now children of 15 to 18 years of age will be able to give 10th-12th exams without any fear due to vaccination.
My address to the nation.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 25, 2021
Along with this, PM Modi also said that healthcare and frontline workers will also be given the necessary precoction doses of the vaccine. Which will start from January 10 next year. At the same time, in this regard, the Prime Minister said that health care workers and frontline workers have kept the country safe. His dedication is unmatched. They are still helping Covid patients. Healthcare and frontline workers will be given the required Precaution Dose from January 10, 2022.
Along with this, Prime Minister Modi also announced, “For citizens with co-morbidities above 60 years of age, the option of precaution doses of the vaccine will also be available to them on the advice of their doctor. This too will be available from January 10.
It is to be known that till last Saturday, a total of 415 cases of Omicron form of corona virus have been reported in India, out of which 115 people have either become healthy or have left the country. According to the updated data of the Union Health Ministry till 8 am on Saturday, Maharashtra has the highest number of 108 cases of Omicron. After this, 79 cases were reported in Delhi, 43 in Gujarat, 38 in Telangana, 37 in Kerala, 34 in Tamil Nadu and 31 in Karnataka.