Under LIC’s Aadharshila plan, a corpus of lakhs can be created by saving a small amount every day. This policy provides the option of saving as well as protection.
This scheme of LIC is for women’s work
With the aim of making women self-reliant and self-reliant, LIC runs a plan called Aadharshila. Under this, women from 8 to 55 years can invest. The special feature of the scheme is that by investing a small amount in it, a large amount can be achieved. So by saving just Rs 29 per day, you can get up to Rs 3.97 lakh. can.
This policy of LIC gives better coverage along with protection. In this, a specified amount is paid to the insured on maturity. On the other hand, if the person dies first, financial assistance is provided to your family. The minimum Sum Assured in this is Rs 75,000 and the maximum is Rs 3,00,000. Whereas the policy term is for 10 to 20 years.
purpose of the plan
LIC’s Aadhar Shila is a policy specially designed for women. This policy has been prepared for those women who have Aadhar Card issued by UIDAI. This is a guaranteed return endowment plan. In this, you are given the benefit of bonus facility. In this plan, you will get the facility of saving as well as protection at the same time. LIC branch or agent can be contacted for investment in this.
Get Lakhs on Maturity
If a woman takes the policy at the age of 31 and deposits Rs 29 daily for 20 years, then the premium for the first year will be Rs 10,959 with 4.5% tax. Whereas the next premium will be Rs 10,723 with 2.25 per cent. In such a situation, a total of Rs 214696 will have to be deposited. You can pay premium on monthly, quarterly or half yearly basis. After 20 years you will get Rs 3.97 lakh on maturity.
Policy can be canceled in 15 days
If someone wants to cancel the policy after taking it, then LIC also provides this facility. Under this, you can cancel within 15 days after taking the plan.
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