The two pension schemes launched by the Modi government are pleasing to the people. The number of account holders under the Atal Pension Yojana (AYP) and the National Pension System (NPS) increased by 22 per cent to 4.15 crore at the end of February 2021 in the era of the COVID-19 Pandemic crisis. According to the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), by February 2021, the number of account holders in various schemes increased to 4.14 crore from 3.43 crore in February 2020, showing an increase of 21.85 per cent on an annual basis.
The total pension assets under management as on 28 February 2021 stood at Rs 5,59,594 crore, an increase of 33.09 per cent over the same period a year ago. The National Pension System is for the Government, Autonomous Bodies and Corporate Sector. At the same time, the Atal Pension Scheme is for the people of the unorganized sector. Through this, they can make their increase happy. Let’s know everything about it.
Guaranteed for such pension in APY every month
Under the Atal Pension Yojana, the government guarantees a pension of Rs 1,000 to 5,000 a month. In the Atal Pension Yojana, the plan is divided on the basis of pension received after the age of 60 years. There are plans to get pension of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 rupees every month. If you want to take 1000 rupees as pension, then according to that you have to pay installment and if you want 5,000 rupees then according to that amount will increase.
How to open APY account
Contact the post office and bank branch where the person’s savings bank is or if you do not have an account, you can open a new savings account. Provide the bank / post office savings bank account number and fill the APY registration form with the help of bank employees. Provide Aadhaar / Mobile Number. This is not mandatory, but can be provided to facilitate communication about contributions. For transfer of monthly / quarterly / half yearly contribution, be sure to keep the required amount in the Savings Bank Account / Post Office Savings Bank Account.
How to contribute
Contribution for APY can be paid through Savings Bank Account, Post Office Savings Bank Account on any particular date of the month, on any day of the first month in case of monthly contribution or quarterly in case of quarterly contribution. On any day of the month or on any day of the first month of the half-year in case of half-yearly contribution.
Get 1000 by depositing 42 rupees every month
Under Atal Pension Yojana, to get a pension of Rs 12,000 annually after 60 years, you have to deposit Rs 42 per month. If you want to take 5,000 rupees as pension then you have to deposit 210 rupees till the age of 60 years. If you are 40 years old, you will have to deposit Rs 291 for a pension of Rs 1,000 and Rs 1,454 for a 5,000 pension every month.
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