Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor is very active on social media. The actress has shared her hair care secret with fans during the ‘Ask Awayyy’ session on her Instagram. She told that she uses natural things in her hair. During this, he answered many questions of fans. Then a fan asked the secret of his hair.
Responding to this question, Jahnavi shared a photo of a hair mask while sharing an emoji of eggs, avocado and honey. Earlier too, the actress has told in many interviews that she uses home remedies to take care of her hair and skin. Avocado is very beneficial for your hair. Avocado contains natural oil, poly saturated and monosaturated fatty acids. It keeps your hair hydrated. The vitamins in it work to keep hair healthy and shiny.
Egg condition the hair well. It is full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which makes the hair healthy and shiny. The yolk in the egg is full of vitamins, which also works to increase hair growth.
Honey works to moisturize your scalp and also reduces hair breakage. It makes the hair soft and shiny.
Avocado Hair Mask
1. a spoonful of honey
2. a large egg
3. Half raw avocado
4. Essential Oil
Method of making
Whisk the eggs in a bowl. Mash the avocado in a separate bowl and add honey and essential oil to it.
Mix all these things together. Apply this mask on your hair and leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Wash hair thoroughly with lukewarm water and then use shampoo and conditioner in hair.
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