In the current financial year (2020-21), the government has so far received Rs 30369 crore as a dividend from Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs). The budget estimate reduced the dividend receipts from central undertakings from Rs 65,746.96 crore to Rs 34,717.25 crore.
Tuhin Kant Pade, Secretary, Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM), said in a tweet, “The government’s dividend (Dividend) receipts from the central sector PSUs till the current financial year (22.03.2021) has been Rs 30,369 crore. Deepam has also said that he has received many applications for BEML. “Many have shown interest in personalization for BEML. For this, the deal has now reached the second stage. “Last year, the government had extended the deadline for initial bidding to buy 26 per cent stake in BEML till March 22. The government first invited interest papers for this in January.
Dividend receipts of GoI from CPSEs stand at about Rs 30,369 crore in the current financial year (as on 22.3.2021).
– Secretary, DIPAM (@SecyDIPAM) March 23, 2021
The government holds 54.03 percent stake in BEML. BEML company deals in defence, rail, power, mining and infrastructural sectors. At the current market price, the 26 percent share of the company will be worth close to Rs 1,000 crore.
(With language input)