New Delhi. According to another big news, today i.e. on Friday, the prices of aircraft fuel or Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) were increased by 2 percent. Due to this, the prices of ATF have reached a record level across the country. In fact, the prices of ATF have been increased amid the increase in international crude oil prices.
price so high
According to the price notification by state-owned fuel retailers, Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) – the fuel that helps airplanes fly. At the same time, in the national capital, it has been increased by Rs 2,258.54 per kiloliter or 2% to Rs 1,12,924.83 per kiloliter.
Will air travel be expensive?
After this, it is also being speculated that, due to the cost of jet fuel or ATF and coming to its all-time high level, there is a possibility of air tickets becoming expensive and now perhaps passengers will have to travel more for air travel. may have to be spent.
ATF price hiked for the seventh time
It is worth noting that for the seventh time this year, the price of ATF has been increased. According to the price notification of the public sector petroleum companies, the ATF price in the national capital has gone up by Rs 2,258.54 per kl or two per cent to Rs 1,12,924.83 per kl. ATF prices were increased by 18.3 per cent (Rs 17,135.63 per kiloliter) on March 16, the highest ever.
Prior to this, ATF prices have increased every fortnight since the beginning of 2022. ATF prices have increased by 38,902.92 kiloliters or nearly 50 per cent since January 1.