India’s leading premier banking fintech Neo (Niyo) announced the launch of NeoX (Niyo X) in partnership with Equitas Small Finance Bank and Visa. This state-of-the-art mobile banking facility is for Millennials. The company aims to include 2 million customers by the end of 2021. Before starting this service, Neo did a survey across the country.
8000 Millennials living in metros and other cities of the country were included in it. The survey explained what the banking needs of Millennials were after the COVID-19 epidemic. This study showed that 70 percent of Indian Millennials are inclined towards digital banking and the main reason for this is the convenient services offered to the customers.
You will get these benefits
The interesting thing is that 55 percent of the people said that they can change their bank for rewards and offers and 45 percent people can change the bank for higher interest rate. Realizing all these needs and desires, Niyo X incorporates the best ‘007 banking’ (007 banking) features of this industry sector to fulfill them. Its characteristics are zero percent commission on investment in mutual funds, zero maintenance fee of the account and interest up to 7 percent on the amount deposited in the account.
Neo co-founder and CEO Vinay Bagri said, “As India’s leading digital banking fintech startup, we focus on providing maximum facilities and rich experiences to our customers.” Our commitment to digital transformation in the banking sector is reflected in this.
Vaibhav Joshi, chief digital officer of Equitas Small Finance Bank, said neobanking would be the biggest breakthrough in banking. We are very happy to partner with Neo for this revolutionary initiative. It is the need of the day to manufacture digital banking products according to the usage and needs of the customers. This is our goal in our Neobank and Fintech programs.
Tushar Verma, business head of NeoX said, We are very happy to launch this mobile-first banking facility in partnership with Equitas Small Finance Bank. Also, we are also eager to see how Millennials will welcome this product and how to accept it.
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