The airline company GoAir has announced its ‘Summer Sale’ scheme. Booking for this scheme to make people travel by air at an affordable rate will start from 22 March, which will run till 26 March. In this offer, where the duration of flight booking will be only five (22-26 March) days, the duration of the journey will be from 22 March to 30 June and special facilities will be provided to the passengers during this time.
According to the statement issued by the airline, these facilities have been prepared after analyzing the needs of the customers. The airline said, “The first and most important thing in these facilities is that passengers can carry the weight of the luggage they carry with them 5 kg more than the prescribed weight. For this, they will not have to pay any additional fee.
Ticket date change facility also
It has been observed that customers have to face the extra challenge of excess baggage and this season is an ideal option for them to carry extra baggage. ” According to the airline, customers will also be given the facility that if they want to amend the date in their ticket, they will get the benefit and they will not have to pay any fee for it.
Will be waived service charge
“This facility will enable our esteemed customers to plan and revisit their summer trip. In addition, the airline has waived the facility fee for customers who book their tickets through all the airline’s direct channels (the airline’s website).
Service charge waived from website
According to GoAir’s website, if you book a ticket from the website of the company under this summer sale scheme, then you will not have to pay for the service charge. For example, if a person’s ticket from Delhi to Patna costs Rs 3800, then there is a service fee of about Rs 300. If you have booked a ticket under the summer sale from the company’s website, then this non-refundable fee will be waived.
(With IANS input)
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