Before the festival of Holi, Amazon India has launched ‘Holi Shopping Store’. The company said in a statement that this store offers a full range of specially selected products. This includes Holi colors and squirrels, products related to fashion and beauty, kitchen and cleaning equipment, puja content, food and beverages, televisions, devices, speakers, cameras, accessories, etc.
Products from big brands exist
According to the statement, customers can shop according to their special needs with the security and comfort of their home. Customers can get big savings on big brands like Whirlpool, Samsung, Cello, Bajaj, Prestige, Timex, Mi, Crocs, Funblast, Toyshine, Sky bag, OnePlus, Max, Manyavar, Biba, L’Oreal, etc. Apart from these, customers can buy products from thousands of small and medium businesses like Luxura Sciences, Mush, YFP (Yogi Food Products), Antrakranti etc. with great price and convenience.
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Offer on products related to Holi
Customers can buy Sarovar Silver Plated Pooja Thali Set. According to the company, this thali set has been beautifully designed and contains everything that you need at the time of worship. The price of this set is Rs 1,049. Hand-made herbal gulal is also available with this. They are 100% organic. These colors are made using herbal ingredients, flowers, turmeric and herbs. The price of these colors is 699 rupees.
Zest 4 Toys Holi Pichkari is also present at the store. The price of this water gun is 449 rupees. The company said that non-toxic holy water balloon can also be purchased at the store. They are also eco-friendly and made from non-toxic materials. With these features, these balloons enhance the beauty of Holi parties. Their price is 127 rupees.