Mumbai: With the growing number of electric vehicles in the country, around 48,000 additional electric vehicle chargers will be installed in the next three to four years with an investment of Rs 14,000 crore. This is stated in a report. Rating agency Icra said in the report that the expansion of charging infrastructure will play a key role in the two-wheeler, three-wheeler and bus segment with the potential to increase the number of electric vehicles.
According to the report, by the financial year 2024-25, 13 to 15 percent of new vehicle sales in the two-wheeler category will be electric, more than 30 percent in the three-wheeler category and eight to 10 percent in the bus category will be electric. The report says that there are currently less than 2,000 public charging stations in the country and most of them are also in select states and mainly in urban areas.
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Shamsher Diwan, Vice President and Group Head, ICRA said, “India is still lagging behind in terms of EV charging infrastructure. However, like other countries, there are strong policy efforts in India to increase the number of EV charging stations. Several PSUs and private companies have announced their foray into charging infrastructure.
“The other option is battery swap,” he said. The central government has allocated Rs 1,300 crore under the FAME (Rapid Manufacture and Adoption of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles) scheme to increase the charging network for electric vehicles. (agency)